International Scientific-Methodological Conference

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Katedra speciální pedagogiky PdF OU se podílí na organizaci mezinárodní konference na univerzitě v Opole v rámci projektu School education in the era of pandemic and post-pandemic in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

International Scientific-Methodological Conference

School Education in the Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Era in Poland, Czechia and Slovakia

Stationary: Student Cultural Center
20 April 2023
st. Katowicka 95, 45-061 Opole, Poland

Organizers and Co-organizers of the Conference:

Institute of Pedagogical Sciences, University of Opole, Opole, Poland; Department of Special Education, Faculty of Education, University of Ostrava, Czechia; Department of Special Education, Faculty of Education, University of Presov, Slovakia; Polish Olympians Primary School No.2 in Opole, Poland; Secondary School, Elementary School and Kindergarten, Karvina, Czechia; United Boarding School, Snina, Slovakia; Scientific Circle of Social Workers, Opole, Poland; Scientific Circle of Pre- and Early-School Education, University of Opole, Poland

The International Scientific and Methodological Conference will take place on April 20, 2023, during which speakers from Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia will present the results of research on distance learning, conducted as part of the project entitled "School education in the era of pandemic and post-pandemic in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia (no. 22210036), financed by the International Visegrad Fund's. There are also plans for online workshops on the methodology of distance learning for teachers and students, and on-line training on the blended learning method. An exhibition will be held during the conference. "E-social work as a response to the problems of the digital society" prepared by the Scientific Circle of Social Workers.

School Education in the Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Era in Poland, Czechia and Slovakia
School Education in the Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Era in Poland, Czechia and Slovakia
School Education in the Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Era in Poland, Czechia and Slovakia

Zveřejněno / aktualizováno: 18. 04. 2023